Recruitment Relationships: Its not me, its you.

As the flames of love start to flicker back to life between recruiters and recruitment media, its a good time to take a look at the very desired and the many media, via for her affection.
National Press
The long standing marriage that once stood between the nationals and recruiters has become very casual indeed.  Yes things were good and they’re happy to hook up from time to time, but they’ve both moved on, and its only a matter of time before they both find someone else.

With most nationals relying heavily on travel, display and other such non-recruitment nonsense now days, the umbilical cord of recruiter cash that once fed these giants of media no longer exist, and both parties have certainly moved on to pastures new.

Regional Press
Ahhh, the dumped.  For years the regional press and recruiters had very one way relationship, with the regional’s taking the form of the demanding boyfriend and the recruiters the docile girlfriend.  But one day the recruiters finally said enough is enough, and dumped the fattened sweaty other half, for a younger and far more accountable significant other.

Now days, you’ll find the regional’s, crying at a bar somewhere, talking about “how good it used to be” oblivious to the fact that it was them that were the cause of this devastating split.

Job Boards
Now 5 or so years into their married , the job board and recruiters are still very much going strong.  Their relationship is one based on trust, equality and understanding, but how long will this marriage last?  Well that really depends on both parties. Relationships relying on honesty and with the market now picking up, the job board market are certainly the one “trying to make it work”. The market is over crowded, to say the least, and recruiters have a lot of other options available.

New and appealing alternatives are appearing on the horizon and things could get rocky for this young married if both parties don’t understanding each others needs, quickly.

Like that one night stand you can’t get out of your head. It felt good, it was fun, you told your mates about it, but god damn, you have no idea if you’ll ever go back again.

The mobile recruitment industry keeps poking its head in every now and again and gives recruiters a glimmer of what could be, but just as quick leaves again.

Social Media
The eyes of recruiters are starting to be drawn to the new hunk in town.  The promise of a 2 way conversation has become appealing to them and is making them consider if what they have indoors is really all that?.  However, their still very much unproven, and commitment could be huge gamble.  Do recruiters take the leap now and forsake an upstanding and still working Job Board for this younger partner?  Not now, and maybe not for a few years.  Social recruiting is in its younger years, even for the online world. However, the “new” is becoming more and more appealing to recruiters, but right now its nothing more than a quick fling to test the water.

But hey, that’s just one mans opinion!

Hope you enjoyed it.